The sight of a loved one in an open casket is often a difficult experience to bear, but it becomes even more so when the deceased looks anything less than peaceful. Unfortunately, there have been several cases of totally awful close up open casket funerals over the years where this has been the case. This article will explore some of these stories and discuss how such situations can be avoided in future.

The idea that something could go wrong at an open casket funeral may seem impossible – after all, what could possibly cause the appearance of the deceased to change? However, details like makeup or clothing can make all the difference between a dignified service and a truly horrific experience for those present. In extreme circumstances, family members can be left shocked by what they see as they approach the coffin to say their last goodbyes.

This article seeks to better understand why these mistakes sometimes occur and provide advice on how families can ensure their loved ones look exactly as they would wish them too during a final farewell. Read on to find out more about totally awful close up open caskets.

History Of Open Casket Funerals

Open casket funerals are a centuries-old tradition that have been adapted over time to meet the needs of many different cultures and beliefs. In its simplest form, an open casket funeral is one in which the deceased’s body is present for viewing by family and friends. This practice has become increasingly popular as it allows mourners to pay their respects to the deceased in person.

The origins of open casket funerals can be traced back to Ancient Egypt where mummification was used as a way of preserving the body for burial ceremonies. The ancient Greeks also practiced this type of ceremonial rite with bodies being placed on biers for public viewings before they were buried or cremated. Today, modern embalming techniques allow more people to opt for open casket funerals if they wish.

No matter what culture or religion you belong to, an open casket funeral provides a unique opportunity to honor those who have passed away. It gives us a chance to reflect on our own mortality while providing closure and allowing us to say goodbye properly. With this background knowledge in mind, we now turn our attention towards what one should expect at an open casket funeral.

Totally Awful Close Up Open Casket
Totally Awful Close Up Open Casket

What To Expect At An Open Casket Funeral

The somber atmosphere of an open casket funeral can be a difficult experience to witness. After hanging their heads in silent contemplation, many people find themselves struggling with the daunting task of expressing their grief in a respectful manner. As those paying respects come face-to-face with mortality, they must brace themselves for the confronting sight that lies ahead.

At an open casket funeral, mourners are presented with a final goodbye one last look at the deceased’s mortal body before it is laid to rest forever. For some relatives and friends, this momentary glimpse of reality may provide much sought after closure; however for others, it could potentially evoke feelings of sorrow or shock. Therefore, when attending such a service it is important to remember that there will likely be moments where you have to confront your own mortality and accept the finality of death.

Mourners should also prepare for physical reaction from viewing the deceased’s remains. Many times emotions like sadness or unease can cause sweating palms, nausea or dizziness all perfectly normal reactions to seeing someone close being taken away forever. The best way to cope during these instances would be by taking slow deep breaths and staying aware of any changes in your mood or behavior afterwards. Although feeling overwhelmed due to such intense circumstances is natural, reaching out for help if needed is always recommended as a means of providing emotional support during this trying time.

Through understanding what lies ahead, attendees can better prepare themselves emotionally and psychologically while attending an open casket funeral. This helps create awareness about how deeply funerals affect mental health and provides insight into how we process grief differently as individuals – something that needs to remain top priority as we move forward into more successful healing processes together. With this knowledge comes comfort knowing that no matter what type of service is chosen, everyone present has gone through similar experiences surrounding loss and endured life’s most difficult challenge – saying goodbye for good.

Mental Health Impact Of Attending An Open Casket Funeral

Attending an open casket funeral can be a traumatic experience for many people, as evident in the horror stories shared by those who have gone through it. Seeing a loved one after they have passed away is difficult enough, but having to face their stillness and see their physical body may cause long-term mental health damage on the bereaved.

The trauma associated with seeing someone close to you dead in an open casket affects everyone differently; some individuals might cope better than others and feel little or no emotional distress whereas others may find themselves overwhelmed and traumatized by what they perceive as ‘closure.’ The shock of death combined with the sight of a deceased person’s corpse often leaves mourners feeling helpless and isolated. Survivors may feel guilty that they could not save the departed from dying, or suffer from depression due to the grief of losing them.

It is important for families attending an open casket funeral to take care of their own mental health first before going through such a trying event. It is advisable for survivors to talk about how they are feeling beforehand, whether it be with family members or professionals, so that any overwhelming emotions can be addressed before the actual viewing takes place. Being aware of these potential risks helps us understand our own feelings surrounding funerary services and prepare ourselves mentally for any challenging situations we may encounter during this time. With proper preparation and support, survivors will be able to handle the situation more effectively while honoring their lost ones in peace.

How To Prepare For An Open Casket Funeral

As the mental health of those attending an open casket funeral is important, so too is the physical preparation for such a ceremony. To ensure that all involved have as peaceful and dignified an experience as possible, there are certain steps to take in order to properly prepare for this momentous occasion.

First, it’s essential to understand what will be expected when viewing the body of the deceased at an open casket service. Depending on religious or cultural traditions, items like photographs, flowers, candles and other mementos may need to be placed around the coffin before attendees enter the room. These are often found in conjunction with prayers or blessings from clergy members or family members who wish to honor their loved one’s memory in some way. It’s also important to know how long visitors will be able to stay; typically no more than 10-15 minutes per person due respect for both mourners and staff.

In addition, understanding what type of clothing should be worn by those attending can set expectations ahead of time and help ease any anxiety related to proper attire. Acknowledging local customs – if applicable – can provide additional comfort during this emotionally draining time. Additionally, wearing dark colors shows respect for the situation while avoiding overly bright colors which could become distracting in such a setting.

The final step prior to entering into the presence of death involves emotional preparation for both yourself and close family members of the deceased who will likely find themselves struggling with grief during this highly charged period. Establishing boundaries ahead of time regarding public displays of emotion (such as sobbing) allows everyone present space and privacy without judgement during this incredibly difficult process.

Emotional Preparation For The Deceased’s Family

For those that are mourning the loss of a loved one, it can be difficult to prepare for their last goodbye. It is important for family and friends to understand the process of laying their loved one to rest in order to better cope with the grief, especially when faced with an open casket viewing.

One way families can emotionally prepare themselves is by talking about their fond memories together before any funeral arrangements take place. This kind of conversation brings closure and allows everyone involved to find comfort while saying goodbye. Additionally, this type of discussion helps create a meaningful ritual that honors the deceased’s life rather than focusing on death itself.

Another recommended practice is having a support system available during this time – both leading up to and including the day of services. Those closest to the bereaved should offer emotional support throughout all stages of grief, as well as provide practical help with making arrangements or taking care of other necessary details related to the event.

Religious considerations play an important role in how many people approach death and memorial services. As such, they should also be taken into account when preparing for an open casket viewing.

Religious Considerations

For many families, religious considerations are of utmost importance when planning a funeral. In the case of an open casket visitation, there may be certain traditions and customs to follow that can make the experience more meaningful for those who have come to pay their respects.

  • Religious leaders or clergy members should be consulted regarding appropriate dress and behavior at a viewing.
  • Special prayers or rituals associated with the faith tradition may need to be incorporated into the ceremony if desired by the family.
  • Personal items such as rosaries, Bibles, prayer books, or other mementos related to the deceased’s religion can also add meaning to a service.
  • If possible, allow time for private prayer and reflection before and after services in order for loved ones to find solace in this difficult time.

Given these considerations, it is important that proper etiquette is observed during viewings so that any spiritual elements of the ceremony are not compromised. It is best practice to remain quiet out of respect while others are praying; no conversations should take place until after all formal proceedings have concluded. Additionally, visitors should avoid taking photos during visitations unless they have been given explicit permission by surviving family members ahead of time. By adhering to these guidelines, funerals can become an opportunity for healing through honoring one’s faith and beliefs. With mindful attention paid to both emotional and spiritual needs of mourners, a touching tribute can be created in memory of a life well-lived. Moving forward towards proper etiquette during viewing will ensure everyone involved has a dignified mourning experience.

Proper Etiquette During Viewing

When attending a service where the casket is open, there are certain protocols that must be followed. It’s important to remember that these rules of etiquette apply out of respect for the deceased and their loved ones in attendance.

The first rule is to approach with humility and reverence. This includes speaking softly if conversation takes place as well as refraining from making any sudden movements or gestures. The second rule is to stand rather than sit; this conveys an attitude of solemnity. Refrain from leaning on the coffin or touching it unless requested by a family member. Lastly, when approaching the body, maintain your composure and keep all emotions in check. If tears fall, they should not disrupt those around you who may have already been in attendance for some time prior to your arrival.

Viewing a loved one for the last time can be difficult, but following proper etiquette will ensure that everyone else present also has a respectful experience during such an emotionally charged event. As we move forward into discussing the aftermath of viewing a loved one in an open casket, it’s essential to understand how best support oneself and others through this process.

Aftermath Of Viewing A Loved One In An Open Casket

The experience of viewing a loved one in an open casket can be emotionally draining. The sights, sounds and smells associated with the event are all deeply personal; each individual will take away unique impressions from the experience. For some, it may bring relief that their dearly departed is at peace; for others, it can lead to feelings of sorrow and distress. In either case, there is likely to be a period of adjustment following this difficult ordeal.

After leaving the funeral home or mortuary, many individuals find themselves struggling with mixed emotions and memories. It’s important to understand that this is a normal part of mourning. As time passes, those who have experienced such grief should seek comfort in family members, close friends and dedicated counselors if needed. While there may never be closure after losing a beloved relative or friend, it is possible to move forward while still honoring their memory.

Living life without our departed loved ones can seem daunting but having meaningful rituals like memorial services and other forms of remembrance can help us stay connected even when they’re no longer physically present in our lives. Memorialization options following an open casket funeral provide another way for families to process their loss together as well as honor their memories in ways that feel special and significant.

Memorialization Options Following An Open Casket Funeral

The aftermath of viewing a loved one in an open casket can be overwhelming, like a tidal wave of emotions. To cope with the experience and honor their memory going forward, many families choose to memorialize their beloved. Like a soothing balm on a wound, memorialization options following an open casket funeral help bring closure and peace to those grieving.

One way to commemorate is through photos or videos taken at the service that capture special moments shared between family members and friends as they pay tribute to the deceased. Keeping these memories alive helps keep the individual’s spirit present in our hearts for years to come. Additionally, some families may create keepsakes such as custom jewelry pieces such as necklaces or bracelets with charms inscribed with meaningful words connected to the person who died. Others may commission artwork displaying images of the deceased, while others still might opt for tributes such as planting trees or flowers in gardens near where their loved one was laid to rest.

No matter what form it takes, memorializing a lost loved one is an important part of understanding grief and finding solace after experiencing something so difficult. As we take time for ourselves and contemplate how best to remember them, we can continue honoring our loved ones long after saying goodbye at the funeral services. Taking steps towards healing from this traumatic event will help us move forward without forgetting all that made our relationship special.

Coping Mechanisms For Processing The Experience

Witnessing a loved one in an open casket funeral can be a traumatic experience. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by grief and confusion when faced with this kind of situation, but it is important to find ways to cope with the emotions that arise. Here are some strategies for managing such experiences:

First, take time to express your feelings. Talk out loud or write down what you’re going through; doing so helps put words to the pain and allows you to begin the process of healing. Sharing these thoughts and feelings with those close to you will help normalize them and give everyone involved more understanding.

Second, engage in activities that bring comfort. Try listening to music, taking part in religious rituals, practicing relaxation techniques like mindfulness meditation, or even engaging in physical activity – all of which have been known to reduce stress levels and increase overall well-being during times of distress.

Finally, allow yourself time away from the situation if possible. Taking breaks throughout the day gives our minds much needed rest and prevents us from becoming too overwhelmed by intense sadness or anxiety. This space also provides opportunities for reflection on how we want to move forward after saying goodbye. The next step is finding closure after saying goodbye…

Finding Closure After Saying Goodbye

The moment of saying goodbye to a loved one is truly unbearable; it’s like the world has suddenly stopped, and all that remains are tears streaming down your face in an endless river. It was an agonizing experience for those gathered at the funeral home to bid farewell to their beloved family member. They were forced to confront the reality of life: death can never be undone or reversed.

When approaching the casket, each person had their own unique way of dealing with their grief. Some opted for silent reflection while some spoke aloud about fond memories they shared with the deceased. Regardless, everyone had difficulty finding closure after such a traumatic event.First StepSecond StepThird Step
Respectfully approach casketReflect on cherished moments spent togetherAcceptance

One thing that helped many find peace in this difficult time was looking back on treasured moments shared with the deceased. Those present could reflect and cherish these times instead of concentrating solely on loss and sorrow. Taking the time to recall special occasions brought smiles to faces despite the sadness surrounding them—a reminder that life does go on even when our hearts are breaking into pieces. Nevertheless, acceptance is key for moving forward; no matter how hard it may seem, letting go is necessary if we want to heal from this tragedy and have any hope of recovering from such deep hurtful emotions felt during this distressful period.


At an open casket funeral, the emotions can be overwhelming. Watching a loved one lying still and lifeless in front of you is like having your heart ripped out. It’s an experience that no person should have to go through.

There are several ways to cope with this kind of loss. The most important thing is to take time for yourself and process it in whatever way works best for you; whether that’s talking about it or writing down your thoughts, taking part in a memorial activity or just giving yourself some space. This may help bring closure to such tragic circumstances.

The saying “time heals all wounds certainly rings true here too, but remember that healing doesn’t mean forgetting – rather, it means carrying on while cherishing the memories we shared with our dearly departed. As the poet Emily Dickinson wrote: “Parting is all we know of heaven and all we need of hell.”

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